
据知情人士透露,孙正义得力助手、软银集团(SoftBank Group)首席运营官(COO) Marcelo Claure,传出因薪酬问题谈不拢,目前正与公司就离职进行深入谈判。

近年来,Claure在软银的贡献不少,不仅让该公司旗下电信业 Sprint 转亏为盈并促成与 T-Mobile 的并购案,也让陷入困境的 WeWork 顺利上市,尽管Claure已是软银薪酬第二高的高层主管,但却进一步要求高达 10 亿美元的薪酬。

知情人士也说,去年Claure提出分拆软银旗下拉丁美洲投资基金(Latin American investment fund),称有助建立业务,能为软银创造价值,同时也能提高自己的薪酬,然而孙正义却持不同看法,认为分拆业务会使得管理复杂化,因此推测双方意见分歧可能是Claure此次离职的导火线。





Claure ,来自玻利维亚,1990年在美国创办手机分销商 Brightstar,后来 Brightstar的多数股权以12.6亿美元出售给软银,于 2013 年加入软银并成为旗下电信业Sprint的CEO,随后在2018年辞去该职务,转而担任软银的营运长,后来又在 2019 年接任 WeWork(WE) 执行董事并进行改组。

Marcelo Claure

Marcelo Claure serves as Executive Chairman of WeWork as well as Chief Executive Officer of SoftBank Group International and Chief Operating Officer of SoftBank Group Corp. (“SBG”). 

Mr. Claure oversees the company’s strategic direction and its portfolio of operating companies, including WeWork, SB Energy, Fortress, Boston Dynamics, as well as SBG’s stake in T-Mobile U.S. He also spearheads the SoftBank Latin America Fund, a $5 billion fund dedicated to investing in technology growth opportunities throughout the region, as well as the newly launched SB Opportunity Fund, a $100 million fund dedicated to investing in entrepreneurs of color. Most recently, Mr. Claure announced the SoftBank Miami Initiative, a $100 million funding program dedicated to startups based in or relocating to Miami. Previously, Mr. Claure served as Chief Executive Officer of Sprint from August 2014 to May 2018, and then as Executive Chairman of Sprint Corp. from May 2018 to April 2020 through the completion of its merger with T-Mobile. He now serves as a director on the board of T-Mobile. Prior to Sprint, Mr. Claure was the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Brightstar Corp. from 1997 to February 2015, the time of its sale to SBG. Mr. Claure has served and continues to serve in several board roles including as Executive Chairman of WeWork Inc. prior to its merger with BowX Acquisition Corp., Chairman of the Board of Fortress Investment Group since May 2019, director of Brightstar Corp. since March 2019 and director of Arm Limited since March 2018. Additionally, as part of the recently announced combination of Televisa-Univision, Mr. Claure will serve as Vice Chairman of the Board. He is currently a director on the Board of Univision. 

Mr. Claure holds a Bachelor’s degree of Science in Economics and Finance from Bentley University.

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